
Upload images

If you have a set of images that you want to annotate, please send us an e-mail (Bryan Russell, Antonio Torralba) with a URL that points to your images (please put them in a zip file). We will include the images with the rest of the dataset. The matlab toolbox distributed with the database provides all the tools necesary for you to query your own images later.

Make LabelMe your annotation tool

If you have contributed images and you want to attract people to label your images, we will send you a link that will allow other people to label just your images. Your task will be to find people that will help you to label the images you need. Of course, your images will also be labeled by people connecting to the general annotation tool. But you might want to speed up the process.

We will send you a template for an introduction web page in which you can describe how you want your images to be labeled.

In return, your images and their annotations will be shared with the entire community.

September, 2005